Sunday, January 20, 2008

My Top 5 New Year's Resolutions

So, here we are in 2008. It's so amazing how quickly time has flown. Twelve years ago, I graduated high school. Nine years ago, I married Jeremy (after 5 years of dating). I gave birth to my daughter four years ago and my son 3 months ago. The rest is mostly a blur.

I'm thirty now, which seemed so scary a decade ago, yet feels kinda comfortable now. I really hope thirty is my new Age of Reason (twenty-five was the original). I'd really like to have that drive again, that determination and ambition, tempered with just the right amount of maturity and responsibility. It is in that vein that I'm writing this post.

They (the ubiquitous and omnipresent They) say that, in order for your resolutions to stick, you must do four things: make them realistic, make them specific, write them down, and share them with family and friends. So, here goes my Top 5 Resolutions for 2008.

5. Set aside 4 hours a week for "me time" outside of all my other responsibilities.
4. Watch no more than 2 hours of TV daily and spend no more than 2 hours online daily (homework excluded).
3. Spend more quality time with my children every day.
2. Be more patient with my kids and my husband, and, well, everyone else too.
1. Lose 50 pounds by December 31, 2008.

Well, there they are. Feel free to comment on my resolutions or admit your own. I think we can get through this year and attain our goals together. Oh, yeah, learning to ask for help is my #7.

Anywho, good luck with your resolutions. I'll keep you posted with mine (getting better at contacting friends and family is #6).